Mark your calendars for February 9-11, 2018 in Hot Springs! Dr. Laura Lynch is putting together a great Winter Meeting. There will be more details to come soon. Watch the website! www.arkvetmed.org Don’t forget to start booking your hotel rooms at the Embassy Suites. You should be receiving a post card reminder soon.
Please, let’s remember our friends and colleagues in Houston and the surrounding areas. They need our support right now. It is a devastating situation. (Please read Page 1 for ways to help) You can donate to the Texas VMA Foundation. www.texvetpets.org. Any amount you can give will be helpful. It is going to be a long recovery period. When the news stops broadcasting it, it is definitely not over. Please help! Do what you can. They need us right now.
Dr. Conley Byrd was appointed to the Arkansas Veterinary Medical Examining Board. Congratulations Dr. Byrd. With his appointment, he had to resign from the ArVMA Board and Peer Assistance Program. Dr. Mike Beard and Dr. John Huff will be taking over the Peer Assistance Program. If you or anyone you know needs help, please reach out to the ArVMA office (501-868-3036) or either one of those doctors. Their contact information is in this newsletter.
Again, thank you all for your patience with me as I have been dealing with my health issues. I pray I am on the uphill swing now. It has been a tough year. I appreciate everyone that has reached out to me, sent messages, cards, and flowers. You will never know how much it means to me. It makes this battle a lot easier to know I have such wonderful people in my corner fighting with me.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please call or e-mail me.
Maggie Milligan